Chants For Meditation

Meditation Mantras for Beginners

Fresh breathe breath woman calm deep air summer

Meditation mantras can help in creating focused minds. Yogi and spiritual guru Bhajan who introduced Kundalini yoga in the United States described mantra “as a form of energy that has structure, control, and predictable outcome on chakra or core of spiritual power in the mind and body.” Some practitioners think sacred chants trigger physical and ether bodies to modify the frequency level of their vibrations. The purpose of chanting is to unite with divine energy. Here are some meditation mantras to consider for novices.

Mantra Om Mani Pame Hum

This meditation chant is powerful but simple. Mantra Om Mani Pame Hum includes teachings of Buddha Dharma or phenomena. The first syllable is Om or Aum. It is sacred and helps you attain fulfilment in practicing kindness. Ma nurtures real and innocent ethics. Ni promotes perfection in becoming patient and broad-minded. Pa develops rightness in concentration. Hum creates precision in the practice of intelligence or understanding. Reciting the mantra aids in fostering excellence in the abovementioned practices. The mantra stands for the entire direction and teachings of Buddha Dharma.

Om Namah Shivaya

Aum Namah Shivaya represents the eminent redeeming five-syllable chant. In English, it is translated to “I bow to Shiva”, the supreme realism or inner self. The mantra defines consciousness that resides in all persons. Shiva refers to the name of one’s genuine identity. Hindu folklore narrates the three deities who control creation. Brahma created the universe. Vishnu preserved the universe. Shiva obliterated the universe.

Shiva is the destroyer and embodies an individual’s inner person that remains unbroken after everything is destroyed. Chanters of this mantra bow to the Shiva. It resounds continuously in your hearts. You are not compelled to perform austerities while meditating or practicing yoga. Om Namah Shivaya is free from all restraints and repeated by everybody for the purpose of purification. Sit comfortably in a quiet position and chant the mantra over and over again loudly or quietly.

Soham Meditation

Soham (So Hum) is often described as the natural mantra that replicates itself. Soham is a natural chant and does not belong to East or West as well as any religion. The mantra which is intrinsic repeats continuously on its own. To understand the mantra further, it is essential to review a person’s breathing progression. The breath comes in and goes out which produces two syllables: So and Ham.

Soham is “I am He or He I am.” Sah denotes “He.” Aham is translated as “I.” It is known as the greatest of all meditation mantras. Paramahamsa Sannyasins Mantra indicates the personality or character of Jiva, the individual self. On the other hand, Brahman represents the Supreme Self. In fact, Soham is better compared to Om although the meditation is the same for both syllables.

White Tara

At times, White Tara is labelled as the “Mother of all Buddhas.” In Sanskrit, it is “Sitatara.” In Tibetan, it is “Sqrol-dkar.” The white color of Tara means knowledge, purity, and truth. When you speak of religion, Tara can help advocates or disciples prevail over problems particularly obstacles that hold back the practice of faith. It is also connected to long life. The mantra is chanted with empathy. You recite it as: Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayuh Punya Jñana Pustim Kuru Svaha. Compared to the Green Tara, the White Tara has folded legs during meditation.

Lokah Sumastah Sukhino Bhavantu

Gurus often recite Lokah Sumastah Sukhino Bhavantu at the conclusion of yoga sessions or classes. These are Sanskrit terminologies but the mantra does not have anything to do with religion and cannot be seen in any manuscripts of the Vedas. It is known as a manifestation of the universe and an individual’s profound association with beings around them referring to human beings and nature.

The mantra is translated as, “May all beings be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all”. You utter this phrase after a practice as a form of offering to the whole world. There is a positive or negative response for every positive or adverse action that you put forward. Interacting with the world produces significant impact on everyone. It is much like the well-known Christian maxim, “Do unto others what you want others to do unto you.”

Choose the Appropriate Mantra

If you want to mediate, try to consider these mantras to guide your reflection. It is now your choice on the specific chant to adopt for your yoga practice.