Chants For Meditation

The Position of Science on Meditation

meditation blog

Meditation is not just a middle of the road practice or ritual. Meditation is not easy because most people cannot keep still and focused for a long period. A person who meditates for long hours but fail to see immediate benefits would rather spend their time on other practices. But, some of the most popular and successful people in the world mediate for so many reasons. Scientific research supports the usefulness or value of meditating on a regular basis. Science emphasizes multiple benefits.

  1. Meditation really reduces anxiety or tension. A scientific study disclosed the Zen type of reflection and mindfulness can minimize stress if practiced for three consecutive months. Mindfulness refers to the mental condition realized by turning one’s responsiveness at the present time while tranquilly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily vibrations. It is employed as a therapeutic technique. (American Journal of Psychiatry, Science Direct, and NCBI)
  2. Meditation promotes a feeling of wellbeing. It uplifts psychological functions pand thereby enhances the individual’s health. At the same time, it augments your sense of compassion. Meditation also helps people get connected with the so-called compassion contemplation ort Loving Kindness (Metta) form of meditation. It boosts particular areas in the brain related to understanding as well as mental processing.

(US National Library of Medicine, Research Gate, and Annals of Behavioral Medicine)

  1. Meditation Improves Concentration. Again, scientific research builds up perception and increases the capacity to perform tasks that entail focus. These categories consist of Tibetan Buddhist, Transcendental Meditation or TM, Hindu, Sufi, and Vipassana. Each one improves a person’s focus by different degrees.

(The Journal on Alternative and Complementary Medicine and Research Gate)

  1. Meditation can make personal relationships better. It polishes the male or female’s capability to pick up on certain signals showing how other people feel. It can also increase emotional stability and makes an individual less likely affected by negative vibes from their colleagues.

(Journal of Marital and Family Therapy)

  1. Meditation generates more resourcefulness if the person makes it a primary component of his or her life.

(Frontiers in Psychology)

  1. It heightens memory. According to research, people who meditate frequently can preserve information better and consolidate fresh information.

(Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology)

  1. Meditation helps in improving the capacity to make informed decisions. Some high-ranking corporate executives choose to meditate so they can make better judgment or choices. TM is said to be effective in improving brain functions. Finally, it aids in overcoming substance and alcoholic abuse or addiction. A study found out Vipassana helps people rise above their addiction.

(Addiction Research and Journal of Addiction Medicine)

 How it must be done?

Just like spiritual gurus, scientific researchers agree that meditation must be performed in a quite environment without any distractions. Find a comfortable sitting position whether it is on the floor, a pillow, or chair. One of your primary goals should be to eliminate physical and mental stress.  Settle down before breathing deeply, closing your eyes, and allowing your thoughts to flow.